Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Marshall Mcluhan Blog on Leonardo Da Vinci.. Gets It wrong/Tony Adamo

Marshall Mcluhan Blog on Leonardo Da Vinci.. Gets It wrong/Tony Adamo
Tony Adamo Jazz Musician said...
Marshall Mcluhan got it all wrong in saying."Let’s be clear that it was Leonardo himself (not Freud) who described his own infantile fantasy of being approached by a large bird (“nibbio”, kite, hawk, etc., rather than a vulture as Freud labeled it) and that the nibbio tried repeatedly to thrust its coda (tail, penis) into his mouth." Fact Check:"Freud got off to a stumbling start by using a poor German translation of Leonardo's note that mistakenly called a bird a vulture rather than a kite(bird) This sent Freud into a long tangential explanation about symbolism of vultures in ancient Egypt and the etymological relationship of the words for vulture and mother,all of which was irrelevant and, Freud later admitted, very embarrassing.
Tony Adamo Jazz Musician
December 26, 2017 at 2:23 PM

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